Meet the chestnut-backed tanager, a bird that is a genuine rainbow of colors, covered in iridescent tints of copper, white, yellow, and red

A bird with rainbow of colors

A tiny bird with gorgeous shades of copper, blue, green, white, yellow, and red that is essentially a rainbow of hues!

The Thraupidae family of birds includes a variety of birds such as the chestnut-backed tanager (Stilpnia preciosa).

The male of this species has a glistening rufous head that gradually turns more coppery along his back.

His back, wings, and tail are all black with a blue border, with the exception of his golden rump.

His center belly is yellow, and the bulk of his chest and belly are blue-green. His undertail covers are dark buff.

His head and eyes are covered in black lores, and his wing coverings are white.

The female is a duller variation of the male with underparts that are washed-out cinnamon underneath the tail coverts and a more greenish upper side.

Covered in iridescent shades of copper white - yellow and red this bird is a veritable rainbow of color – meet the chestnut-backed tanager

Only southern Brazil, northern Argentina, eastern Paraguay, and Uruguay are home to these birds.

At heights of up to 1000 meters, chestnut-backed tanagers like to live in and close to forests and forest edges.

Chestnut-backed tanagers spend time in the canopy searching for insects as well as eating a variety of fruits, including developed varieties.

They frequently join mixed-species groups when foraging.

Covered in iridescent shades of copper white - yellow and red this bird is a veritable rainbow of color – meet the chestnut-backed tanager

There is only one known nesting location for this species, which is 10 meters up in thick fronds of an Araucana tree in the Rio Grande do Sul.

There was nothing more to say. The Chestnut-backed tanager is widespread where it lives and is not currently in danger of extinction.

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