Mom brings his lost and defenseless pet to school as a surprise for her little son, who is dejected and depressed

Mom gave wonderful surprise to her child

I can’t imagine how painful losing a beloved pet must be.

Unfortunately, a lot of dog owners have experienced this terrible trauma.

Carter Licata recently underwent this, but his story has a happy conclusion.

Mom surprises her sad and disappointed little boy at school with his lost and helpless puppy

For Carter and Piper, his pet pug, “it was love at first sight” ever since they first met.

The young boy used to spend all of his time with his 2-year-old furry friend, and they were very content.

However, something very terrible occurred last month.

The tiny puppy disappeared. “On November 18, we let our pug, Piper, out. Carter’s mother, April Licata, wrote on Facebook, but she didn’t answer our calls.”

Mom surprises her sad and disappointed little boy at school with his lost and helpless puppy

Devastated, the family desperately tried to find the missing pet.

They circulated pictures of Piper, but as the days went by, everyone began to fear the worst.

Everybody was sick.

It was a very depressing Thanksgiving for the older children since they wouldn’t help decorate the Christmas tree, April continued.

However, a miracle happened just when they thought it was going to be the worst Christmas ever.

April received a message from Genesee County Animal Shelter on Facebook.

Mom surprises her sad and disappointed little boy at school with his lost and helpless puppy

It said that they could have found Piper.

We learned that a dog similar to Piper had been taken and taken to an animal shelter.

April remembers, “I was completely taken aback. Fortunately, Piper was the name of the dog, the woman said.

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