Monty and Rosie cross paths on the street and instantly identify one another

Adorable twins while still puppies

The touching story of the reunion of two siblings was posted on social media by a woman by the name of Libby Pincher.

Monty and Rosie, these two canines, were born in June of last year.

Although they were six, these two in particular got along well with one another.

But after Monty was adopted, their friendship came to an end. They ceased seeing one another.

Cute siblings Monty and Rosie separated as pups meet on street and recognize each other immediately

But it was adorable to see them sprint toward each other and embrace tightly when they met each other on the street.

It was a genuine, adoring dog embrace! They hug each other like actual siblings rather than merely playing like all other dogs generally do!

Cute siblings Monty and Rosie separated as pups meet on street and recognize each other immediately

It was a very touching and sentimental moment when the two puppies actually remembered each other.

The dog’s parents made the decision to go on these kinds of walks more frequently.

You never would have imagined that a routine dog walk would result in a heartfelt family reunion.

Cute siblings Monty and Rosie separated as pups meet on street and recognize each other immediately

It’s so cute and sweet to see how strong the animals are attached to each other.

They are devoted and full of love. They never forget neither their owners nor their beloved siblings.

Do you have thoughts about this cute story? Share them in the comments!

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