No one is perfect in this life: everyone says that she is so young and already has wrinkles

The actress shared a video, appearing in front of the followers without makeup.

The other day, the star of “Game of Thrones” shared a short video with her subscribers, appearing in front of the followers without makeup.

We loved the role of the 33-year-old actress Daenerys, which she perfectly performed in the TV series Game of Thrones. Emilia’s fans still call the actress Denise, showering Clark with the sweetest compliments.

The other day, the star of “Game of Thrones” shared a short video with her subscribers, appearing in front of the followers without makeup. Emilia’s fans have noticed that the actress has lost a lot of weight and looks exhausted.

“Covered”, “Exhausted look”, “So young, and already with wrinkles”, “She is only 33, but she looks much older”, “Slender”, “Charming”, “Best Actress”, “What about eyebrows? ”, “Clark is beautiful in every way”, “Ah, I think she looks amazing”,

“Envy silently”, “Stop looking for “flaws” in this”, “What have you done, couch critics”, “Shining”, “So smiling” and “Dani, you need to get better,” Internet users commented.

Judging by the comments, Clark’s followers were very excited when they saw the footage of the emaciated Emilia. I think Clark is in great shape, right? Share your opinion in the comments.

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