The sculptures of Urs Fischer are like candles that gradually burn out over time
Fischer’s sculptures are like candles With his display of melting wax figurines at the Venice Biennale in 2011, Swiss artist Urs Fischer practically set the art place on
Massive ‘viewfinder’ reflects magnificent ocean view, normally unseeable
Magnificent “ocean view” Joel Adler, an industrial designer and artist from Australia, bases his creations on the user’s perception. He produces site-specific artworks, paintings, and contain data using
Mexico city’s Christopher Columbus statue will be replaced by a monument honouring indigenous women
Christopher Columbus’s statue With plans to upgrade a long-standing statue to Christopher Columbus, Mexico enters the long list of nations grappling with a post-colonial reckoning with troublesome historical
A sculptor creates the Monstrous “Alien King” from 200 recycled tires
“Alien King”’s sculpture For those who are unfamiliar with the Xenomorph, an evil alien creature that featured in the Alien movie series. The terrifying creature made a second
Memorial honors soldiers who fought in world wars I and II by using an empty silhouette
Heart breaking memorial sculpture honors soldiers Families that have experienced war bear scars that never really heal. A moving monument honours the soldiers that fought and lost their
This relieving of a saint’s dog shines gold from many years of pets for the “good boy”
The dog shines on the sculpture It’s no wonder that there are memorials and statues honoring person’s closest mate because everyone likes a good dog. There is a
Complex fiber art sculptures examine the cycle of life’s inherent optimism
Woonderful fiber art sculptures Fiber artworks created by artist Janis Ledwell-Hunt of Unfettered Co. demonstrate how interrelated everything in the world is. She describes herself as a “maker
These creepy clay figures playfully pay homage to big and small animals
Big and small animal figures Animals rule okay, says visual artist Helen Burgess of Sussex, Britain, and we can’t really argue with that. She reproduces animals in clay
The 110-ton “bean” sculpture near chicago’s cloud gate
Amazing 10 ton “bean” The 110-ton, elliptical artwork Cloud Gate, made of extremely polished steel plates, was influenced by flowing mercury. Anish Kapoor, an internationally known British sculptor
NYC’s Garment district is transformed into a vibrant zoo with enormous origami animal sculptures
An amazing zoo with animal sculptures Origami is typically regarded as a particularly sensitive art form due to its elaborate designs folded from small, delicate pieces of paper.