Phoebe from the famous series now: this is how the star of «The enchanted» Alyssa Milano has changed

Here is Phoebe of the «The enchanted» and this is how it looks after decades.

The cult series «The enchanted», released in the late 1990s, immediately became widely popular and loved by the audience. It was difficult to find a person who would not expect new episodes with excitement, and every girl wanted to be like her beloved heroine. It should be noted that after 24 years almost all changed beyond recognition. For example, pre -Ertorto played by P. Shennen, suffered from cancer, Page played by McGoin, had to undergo surgery after a deadly accident.

But our beloved Alyssa Milano, who brilliantly played Phoebe, has almost not changed over the years. Many are of the opinion that the outstanding actress has not changed a lot in two decades. She recently turned 50 years old, and, according to her fans, she still looks great.

The legendary actress of the 1990s wrote «My 50s. No filters, interference and makeup. I will move, love a lot, be useful. I am happy to be here».

Watching a popular series? Did you like Phoebe?

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