Pikin, the compassionate gorilla, couldn’t resist hugging the hunter who had saved her life

A compassionate gorilla

The majority of people are unaware that animals are able to experience complex emotions.

Like all humans, animals can recognise when they are being assisted and can express gratitude to those who serve them.

The gorilla tale demonstrates the kindness and intelligence of animals.

Pikin is the gorilla who was saved by the ape group. She was terrified when the rescuers pulled her to safety.

To be able to travel from one place to another, they had to give her sedatives.

She was awake in the car and surprised the rescuers by being cool and loving.

Kind-hearted gorilla named Pikin couldn't stop cuddling the man who saved her life from hunters

Appolineire, a man who assisted her in the rescue, held her in his arms.

Animal welfare and protection has always been this man’s life’s work.

The amazing photographer Jo-Anne McArthur captured the tender moment illustrating their love.

The scene shows Pikin giving the man a bear embrace after realising he had saved her life.

Kind-hearted gorilla named Pikin couldn't stop cuddling the man who saved her life from hunters

This amazing image of compassion shows how strong we are as a society and how much these defenceless animals depend on our assistance.

Although we occasionally witness human beings treating animals horribly, stories of animal rescues serve as a reminder that compassion still exists.

All of us should treat animals with kindness and care.

Just keep in mind that we can all have a beneficial impact on the natural world.



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