Raw human emotions are captured in life-size sculptures using leftover machine parts

Sculptures made from leftover machine parts

Penny Hardy Blown Away Sculpture

Though steel is frequently thought of as a cold and harsh medium, one artist has discovered a method to give the substance life, making it seem loose and unrestrained. British artist Penny Hardy creates life-size steel artworks based on the human body in her Blown Away series, each of which explores a different feeling or experience. As the Devon-based artist puts it, “I intend to extend their existence in another form, re-use that power for a different reason, and interchange their function to establish a new creature by employing abandoned man-made steel have been so skilfully constructed and used to create their own mechanical power.”

Hardy’s first training as a scientific illustrator equipped her with the skills of observational drawing and close examination of the details of original forms. She turned to sculpting when she developed an interest in three-dimensional shapes because she felt so strongly about the social and natural environment. According to Hardy, “the feeling of motion and dynamism inside art gives it its own life and vigor.” As they were designed to be durable and strong but to be discarded at the first sign of failure, she decided to employ steel machinery parts. To demonstrate some of the impacts that machinery has had on our health and to the environment, Hardy believed that these damaged components should be repurposed.

Hardy believes that although the statues “convey personal sentiments linked to my own specific experiences,” he hopes that many people will be able to identify with those feelings and impacts and understand what the work can mean to them.

Hardy produces art on personal contract for customers all over the world. She has also held exhibitions in the UK. Her most latest exhibition of her remarkable paintings took place earlier this year at Beaulieu Palace and Gardens. To view some of her amazing masterpieces, scroll to the bottom.

Penny Hardy, a British artist, creates life-size artworks that are throbbing with power using abandoned equipment parts.

Penny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away Sculpture

Hardy depicts basic emotions and defining events by using the female beings as a frame for the metal pieces.

Penny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away Sculpture

By recycling flawed man-made objects to make new ones, Hardy aims to extend their useful lives.

Penny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away SculpturePenny Hardy Blown Away Sculpture

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