Rescued dog who was facing execution trembles in terror and is too afraid to walk

Rescued dog is too afraid to walk

Every dog has a right to a devoted family. Pets of all ages are sadly crammed together at shelters due to a lack of available space.

We must be aware that many dogs and cats reside in shelters and yearn to have a family of their own.

This is Mocha, a pit bull mix who is one year old and was abandoned at the shelter.

November 1st was the deadline for the dog’s adoption; if she wasn’t matched with a family by then, the shelter would have to euthanize her.

Every time a person walked by, the poor dog began to tremble.

Rescue dog who was on death row shakes from fear and was too scared to walk

Alpina, one of the volunteers, decided to assist Mocha in finding a new family after viewing her.

This poor puppy has experienced so much human aggression in her one year of life, according to Alpina, that she is now terrified of people.

In an effort to find a new family for herself, Alpina posted about her experience on social media.

Rescue dog who was on death row shakes from fear and was too scared to walk

She also warned that the poor dog will be put to death at such a young age if he didn’t find a home.

Fortunately, word of the situation traveled quickly, and a sympathetic individual expressed a desire to save her.

Similar to Mocha, many other dogs are eager to find a family. We should all show dogs more consideration.

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