Sad bear spent 30 years alone in a rusty cage

A sad bear named Fifi

If Fifi the bear could talk, she would have a terrible tale to tell. Thankfully, that tale has a satisfying ending!

Additionally, Fifi, a bear cub, arrived at a roadside zoo in Pennsylvania more than 30 years ago.

She and the other bears have been forced for years to do strange things like stand on their hind legs.

Sad bear sat alone in a rusty cage for 30 years and her reaction is beautiful when they set her free

After the rural zoo’s doors were shut more than 20 years ago, Fifi was left to rot in a small, rusted cage with nothing more than a dilapidated doghouse as protection.

Fifi had an untreated case of arthritis, a dull, dingy coat, and was fragile. Every step of the way was a battle.

She was saved in July by PETA and the Wild Animal Sanctuary.

Sad bear sat alone in a rusty cage for 30 years and her reaction is beautiful when they set her free

Fifi was transferred to the Colorado facility, where she finally received the attention and roomy habitat she deserved, after spending just five months at the shelter. There, her body now perfectly fits her enormous and stunning personality.

She has a thick coat, strong legs, and is in excellent health. For the first time in her lengthy life, Fifi is hibernating in her brand-new, cozy den this winter.

Fifi has only been at the refuge for five months, but her body has already caught up to her enormous and stunning personality.

Sad bear sat alone in a rusty cage for 30 years and her reaction is beautiful when they set her free

She has a thick coat, is in fantastic health, and her legs are getting stronger all the time. For the first time in her lengthy life, Fifi is hibernating in her brand-new, cozy den this winter.

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