She found pure love in a homeless man: a woman fell in love with a homeless person and gave him a family

The woman even wrote a book about her unusual love story.

Emmy Abrahamson, a science writer, found her soul mate on the street, in the literal sense of the word.

American Vic Kokula was homeless and had bad habits, but after meeting Emmy his life changed dramatically. Currently, the couple has two children.

In 2006, Emmy Abrahamson visited Amsterdam. Once, walking, she sat down on a bench, and then a homeless Vic approached her and asked what time it was.

Surprisingly, a huge watch hung over this bench.

Emmy realized that she was very attracted to this man, despite the fact that he was dirty and so badly smelled.

«I immediately realized that he was homeless. He was all dirty, and his hair and beard were greasy. But we spoke, and I noticed that he had the most beautiful brown eyes that I have ever seen. And he immediately made me laugh», Abrahamson recalled.

The man and woman felt mutual sympathy and agreed to meet in the same place five days later.

Vic’s story is as follows: a few years ago he came to travel from America to Europe, but his money was quickly over.

“The money ended earlier than expected, and I did not have time to do everything I planned. So I thought, Okay, I will do it without money».

Not everything went as he planned. And Vick realized that he had simply turned into an alcoholic bum.

Three weeks later I turned 30, that day my phone rang, I picked up the phone and heard Vic’s voice: «I’m here. He came to Vienna for me, and since then we are together», Emmy said.

The wedding took place in an old castle.

Thanks to the support of his lover, Vick found a job – he is an electrician.

The couple had the twin children of Desta and Til.

Inspired by her love story, Emmy wrote the book «How to fall in love with a man who lives in Bush».

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