Thanks to a wheelchair, a husky born without paws has a new lease on life

A husky born without paws has a new lease on life

Lovely Husky named Maya had a unique birth experience compared to other dogs.

Due in large part to a birth defect, Maya had a challenging start in life.

Husky born without paws gets new lease of life thanks to custom-built wheelchair

You see, the dog was born without the other four paws.

As you can assume, this made it extremely difficult for her to perform even the most basic actions, let alone run around or play like some other dogs.

Maya also has other health problems. Her degenerative brain illness also affects her knees.

Maya has a fine condition that makes it much harder for her to walk around as if that weren’t enough. Given all of her problems, it could seem as though the odds are against her.

Husky born without paws gets new lease of life thanks to custom-built wheelchair

On the other hand, no one will ever be able to take Maya’s strong spirit away from her.

This cute Husky is actually a warrior! Veterinarians didn’t believe she anticipated this to occur, but a kind and kind woman named Kit decided to give luck a permanent home.

Kit immediately started dating Maya after they both connected on Instagram.

Maya made it out alive and in good spirits thanks to a modified back wheel and some encouragement and respect from her new owner.

Husky born without paws gets new lease of life thanks to custom-built wheelchair

She wears a goofy hat higher than most of us, that much is evident.

How many of you have also seen a dog that is more gorgeous?

She shoots better pictures than most of the women I know, to be completely honest. Check it out!

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