The couple wanted to part with their cat’s best friend in order to adopt a shelter cat

Cat’s best friend

Living in a shelter may not be comfortable for cats because the noise can stress them out.

With their shelter companions, they frequently manage to forge enduring friendships.

And the stories they can come up with because of their relationship will make you swoon.

The tale of Luna and Louie is one of those adorable tales. These adorable cats are best friends.

The couple planned to adopt a shelter cat but they couldn't leave cat's best friend

When they originally went to a Florida animal shelter, they were both experiencing loneliness.

They rapidly grew close friends. They are now the best of friends and frequently request to do activities together.

They enjoy giving and receiving kisses and hugs. The couple visited the shelter to take home a cute cat.

The couple planned to adopt a shelter cat but they couldn't leave cat's best friend

They were immediately captivated by these two adorable kitties.

They were showing one another a lot of love. Only one cat, Luna, was chosen for adoption by the couple.

They soon realised they couldn’t adopt Luna without giving up Louie.

So they made the decision to adopt them both. The two cats enjoyed having a home with their new family as a pair.

The couple planned to adopt a shelter cat but they couldn't leave cat's best friend

They collaborate on everything. They divide the Christmas tree, eat, and sleep.

The couple saw that the cats were kissing each other nonstop. The word of these adorable animals immediately got around.

Everybody was in awe of them. More than anyone else, these two cats love one another.

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