The dog is waiting for his new owners who abruptly cancel their plans

The dog and his owners

When the prospective owner contacted to cancel the adoption, the adorable puppy was already dressed in a tuxedo and prepared to go to his home.

The Fundacion Rescatame group in Columbia intended to adopt this adorable puppy.

The devastating images of these adorable young puppies were posted on social media by the rescue.

When the dog’s new owner abruptly decided to cancel the adoption, they posted on social media that it was going to happen.

The pup dressed in a tuxedo waits for his new owners who cancel in the last minute

Because they are unsure if they are placing the puppies in the hands of loving and caring people, the rescue is quite stringent with the adoption process.

Pets are not objects! If you want to adopt a child, you should be completely prepared for the commitment that adoption entails.

Don’t get sad for this adorable dog since there is a happy ending to this tale.

After being posted on social media, the rescue received numerous inquiries from people looking to adopt Vincente.

The pup dressed in a tuxedo waits for his new owners who cancel in the last minute

He was adopted by an amazing family. They appear to be quite happy to have him.

They sent him fresh photos and expressed their gratitude for having him in their family to everyone.

Every animal deserves to be loved and cared for.

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