The dog was abandoned and was encircled by vultures who were waiting for her to pass away

The dog and vultures

Animals are renowned for having extraordinary perception. They are capable of sensing our joy, anxiety, and grief.

According to the article, dogs seem to be an exception to this rule.

Neglected and the helpless puppy surrounded by the vultures waiting for her to die

Even diverse species of organisms are sensitive to one another.

They possess fundamental urges that we as humans have allowed our consciousness to obstruct.

They pay closely to body language, and you get the feeling that they can almost smell the severity of our physical sickness.

They are by our sides when we are ill, sincerely hoping that we would get better.

This makes it startling when someone merely stare at a suffering animal while displaying no emotion.

Neglected and the helpless puppy surrounded by the vultures waiting for her to die

Or when they decline to accept accountability for something whose survival depends on them.

Pit bull puppy Lilo has a pretty bleak tale to share.

In her yard, where she was compelled to remain, she had established a lot of acquaintances.

They were vultures, and the wrong things were attracting them to this dog.

Lilo, an adorable 8-month-old, saw a terrible occurrence on Christmas Day 2014. She was left alone in the yard, bound to a tree, and empty-handed.

Neglected and the helpless puppy surrounded by the vultures waiting for her to die

However, someone was watching out for Lilo, and the Merit Pit Bull Foundation saved her on the fifth day.

They took her away, but finally Keana Lynch and her partner Travis Henley gave her the home she deserved.

She was underweight, hungry, and had skin conditions, but with the right love and care, she was able to develop into a healthy puppy.

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