The inner light” of body and soul is revealed through life-size human sculptures

Wonderful sculpture with “inner lights”

Illuminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon Palisoc

Joshua Limon Palisoc, a Filipino sculptor, makes realistic artworks that not only examine the outside of the human body but also shed light on individuals’ interior lives. He creates life-size artworks out of welded steel that are internally lighted by LED strips. The wires’ deliberate holes enable the soul’s light to shine through the body.

Ephemeral Boats, a collection by Palisoc, made its debut at his first solo exhibition at the Pinto Art Museum in Antipolo, Philippines. Filipino psychological notions such as loob (personality of conscience), labas (physical body), and lalim serve as inspiration for the painting (reason). Palisoc depicts “the artist’s condition of mind and being” using the human body. While some of the individuals are shown in dramatic stances with their hands extended and backs raised, other individuals have a more serene and contented appearance. To the designer, they each stand for different spiritual realms.

Sisidlan ng Kalawkan, also known as Boat of the Universe, has a form that is split in half across the middle. The temporary external shell was broken up to show the “inner light.” The lights within of these artworks are meant to represent “the inadequacy of the [steel] parts” when they are displayed in dimly lit spaces. Palisoc wants the series to encourage viewers to “stir and influence others through our own real ways,” rather than just existing in the world quietly.

More amazing Palisoc realistic statues can be found below. You can also keep up with the author’s work by following him on Insta.

Joshua Limon Palisoc, a Filipino artist residing in Berlin, makes lit life-size steel statues of realistic objects.

Illuminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon Palisoc

The link between the body and the soul is examined in the Ephemeral Boats television series.

Illuminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon PalisocIlluminated Figurative Sculptures by Joshua Limon Palisoc

Source: Instagram


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