The kitty at the shelter is overjoyed and won’t stop kissing the cyclist for the rest of time

The kitty is overjoyed

There is no doubt that animals, like people, have feelings.

Particularly in regards to people who care for them or, more crucially, those who saved their lives.

A cat in need of rescue shows its gratitude to the man who rescued its life in the cutest way possible: by kissing him nonstop.

Shelter kitten is so happy and can’t stop kissing this cyclist who saved its life for ever

When cyclist Victor Fonseca and his friends set out for a ride in Brazil, it occurred.

At some time, the man simply noticed a small object in the middle of the road.

Victor, an animal lover, swiftly identified it as a small kitten as they stopped to examine.

He then started seeking for the child’s mother, but he couldn’t find her anywhere.

Shelter kitten is so happy and can’t stop kissing this cyclist who saved its life for ever

Without a doubt, the kitten was abandoned, and Victor felt compelled to take action.

He made the decision to take the abandoned kitten home with him, but as he had nothing with which to transport the rescued animal, he simply slipped it inside his shirt.

He realised the cat needed love and comfort at that moment because it started licking and cuddling the man who had just saved its life.

Thankfully, the kind-hearted rider managed to get a picture of the cat’s adorable expression of gratitude after being spared.

Shelter kitten is so happy and can’t stop kissing this cyclist who saved its life for ever

Victor noted in a tweet that he was “saving a life today.”

Victor claimed that the rescued cat stayed in his short till they reached their destination.

That is about 6 kilometres, yet its saviour claims that “all he did was play.”

Victor revealed in a subsequent social media post that he was successful in finding a long-term home for the amazing cat he saved, because a story like this could only have a good ending.

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