The transience of human life is captured in fragmented metal sculptures

Amazing fragmented metal sculptures

Fragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der Meulen

Regardt Van Der Meulen is a South African designer and artist who works with dismantled, presumably disintegrating steel artworks. Issues of “history, recollection, and mortality” are explored in his fractured steel works, which are both firm and frail. These decaying statues serve as sarcastic representations of how frail and fleeting human existence is. These crumbling newest version to be swept up by the elements—present one moment, gone the next—despite being made of a substance of strong, long-lasting durability.

Metal, according to Van Der Meulen, “is such a versatile product.” “It does a terrific job of capturing motion and frailty as well as power. It will rust and fade away in its native shape, which is exactly how my work’s idea works.

The concepts and imagery present in Van Der Meulen’s artworks naturally compel the observer to reflect on their own lives. They are forced to acknowledge their own transience when they are confronted by the terrifying elegance of these vanishing representations of the human shape. These kinds of ideas have long intrigued the designer, drawing him to explore them in his work.

The artist says, “I have always been intrigued by the interconnectivity of memory usage and how it contributes to and affects our spiritual reality. “We constantly make and store experiences from the time we are born until the time we die. Our bodies naturally and recollections, however, will deteriorate or disappear over time. I find fascination in these paradoxes and the transience of loveliness.

Check the artist’s webpage or join him on Fb to stay up to date with his work. To see more pictures of his amazing works, scroll to the bottom.

Regardt Van Der Meulen, a Johannesburg-based artist, creates steel artworks that seem to fall apart right before your eyes.

Fragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der Meulen

He enjoys addressing ideas and topics related to “time, recollection, and mortality” in his art.

Fragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der Meulen

The observer is forced to acknowledge their own fragility in the face of the macabre elegance of these vanishing representations of the human body.

Fragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Steel Sculptures by Regardt Van Der MeulenFragmented Metal Sculptures by Regardt Van Der Meulen

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