Farm cats from Siberia
We are all aware that not everyone enjoys cats. Compared to cats, they are a little more independent. They genuinely want attention, but only on their terms. They are a touch egotistical as well.
Their behaviour exhibits it. They constantly desire the freedom to act however they like and whenever they feel like it. Many individuals feel at ease maintaining these low-maintenance pets.
A really nice example of a couple that adore cats is one from Siberia. In addition to farming, they devote their spare time to caring for beautiful Siberian farm cats.
The pair frequently claims to have a million cats, if not more. The cats reside contentedly in the hen house.
These cats are a blessing for them since they protect their home. Additionally, they set up every scenario required for them to feel at ease and comfortable.
Rats and mice are defended from the chickens and rabbits by their cats. The most fascinating thing about these cats is how much happiness and pleasure they actually bring into their lives.
They frequently travel in groups. They all prepare to defend their territory when they sense a threat approaching. They are amusing and enquiring.