This blind dog jumps for excitement when given his own bed

A blind dog’s excitement

Stevie was in a bad condition when members of the Organization for the Protection of Animals (SPCA) in Lancaster County found him at a South Carolina residence.

After 8 years in chains this blind dog jumps for joy when getting his own bed

Being tied and partially blind, his eyelids were dry and depressing.

However, there is always hope when dealing with such devoted critters!

Stevie was then taken to Diamonds in the Ruff, a sanctuary in New York that frequently collaborates with the SPCA.

They found him a caring foster home to aid with his physical and psychological recovery, which was challenging given what he had experienced over the preceding eight months.

After 8 years in chains this blind dog jumps for joy when getting his own bed

On the other hand, Erin Boyd and her husband have a lot of experience working with undervalued living things, so they are confident that Stevie will survive.

And they were entirely right!

For a dog who has spent his entire existence being forced to lie in the rain and snow, this is a perfectly typical reaction.

Nevertheless, he recovered fast and seemed happier and stronger than before.

After 8 years in chains this blind dog jumps for joy when getting his own bed

The much more exciting occasion, though, would be when the foster mother chose to surprised him with a brand-new mattress – everything Stevie had never had before!

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