This child was rejected by 20 families, but in the end she was adopted by this kind person

After being rejected by a girl with Down syndrome, she is adopted by a kind man.

Modern science and technology make it possible not only to find out the sex of the unborn child, but also to develop anomalies and deviations when the child is still in the mother’s abdomen. Today we will tell you the touching story of this completely unique girl, who was abandoned by her parents and about 20 families as soon as they learned that she had Down syndrome.

One day, a kind-hearted person, Luca Trapanese, who is actively involved in charity work and volunteering, learned the heartbreaking story of this girl and immediately decided to adopt and take Alba into upbringing. The state of the girl did not frighten him at all.

But the process of adaptation was not the easiest. People wanted to confirm that adaptation is not possible when she has a mother or father. But all his efforts eventually paid off, and he managed to adopt a girl. According to him, he fell in love with the girl at first sight.

Luca is Alba’s biggest supporter and protector who will take care of her for the rest of her life. He added that the girl means everything to him, and he cannot imagine life without her.

He’s a real hero, isn’t he?

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