This is an unreal talent: the girl was the youngest opera singer in the world because of her beautiful voice

This wonderful girl won her very first talent competition due to her unique voice.

At the age of 6, Victoria Brinker first encountered opera, and it was then that she decided that she wanted to succeed in her career as an opera singer.

Victory learned her first aria in just two days, and three weeks later she won her first talent competition.

In the same year, she entered 13 talent competitions and won a total of 12.

The following year, Victory began learning arias in seven different languages, and later performed at festivals and sporting events around the country.

And it’s not hard to see why.

She says: “I love the complex arrangements, the technique required to sing, all the run-throughs and the different languages ​​in which all the arias are written”.

With an incredibly wide and complex two-octave vocal range, this aria is impressive.

When he composed it, he had in mind Josef Hofer, Mozart’s daughter-in-law.

This viewer put into words how she performed, saying:

“MY GOD. She has a melodious voice. Her voice is darker and fuller than it should be, and she does what, in my experience, no other child has done: her game is full of emotion.

I have heard some gifted children sing this aria, and some of them can play better on the highest notes.

Anger is present. Queen of the Night – Victory Brinke. I hope to live long enough to see her grow into a fantastic opera singer”.

Victory has a natural talent, but she works hard to develop it, training with her mother for 45 to an hour every day.

She wants to show everyone that she owns the big stage. Victory must be eaten.

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