This is cool: this is how the most ordinary maid became the owner of Johnson & Johnson

This is how fate prepared a special surprise for a woman.

Barbara Piasetskaya was born in Poland. Her family was not rich, but provided the girl with the opportunity to get an education in Wroclaw. In search of a good job and life, Basya (that’s how the girl’s name was abbreviated) went first to Italy, and then to America, without even knowing English.

But fate has prepared a special surprise for her. In the US, Barbara was lucky enough to get a job at the home of John Seward Johnson, the son of one of the founders of the large corporation Johnson & Johnson.

The girl worked diligently and did not attract attention to herself. But, having mastered a little English, one day she dared to tell the owner, who bought the painting for a lot of money, that it was not worth it.

John was surprised by Barbara’s knowledge of art, and upon learning that she studied art at a Polish university, he offered to become his assistant in choosing and buying collectibles.

The job, which involved frequent meetings, brought John and Barbara closer, and less than a year later, the man decided to divorce. And a week later he was already standing at the altar with Basya.

Since that moment, the girl’s life has changed dramatically. She had the opportunity to spend money on whatever her heart desires. But John trusted her judgment.

Together with her husband, Barbara actively bought art objects, but the couple did not have a good taste. Because sculptures, paintings and other works looked very inharmonious.

After the death of Seward, Basya became the owner of almost the entire capital, amounting to half a billion dollars. The woman managed to increase the money received, and in 2007 become one of the richest women in the world.

The maid who became a millionaire died in 2013.

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