This is great: these wonderful people staged a wedding of a homeless couple, after 24 years

Their house is a shack, built from what was found in a landfill.

50-year-old Rosaline Ferrer and 55-year-old Rommel Basco from Pampanga, Philippines, has been together for 24 years.

Kind people arranged a beautiful wedding for a homeless couple who lived together for 24 years

They have six children. The family lives among the garbage on the wasteland. Their house is a shack, built from what was found in a landfill.

Every day of this family is the struggle for survival. Rommel and Rosalin sort garbage, collect plastic and hand it over in the morning to the evening to at least somehow feed a large family. And so day after day, year after year.

Despite difficulties and hardships, real love and mutual assistance reigns in their small house.

Kind people arranged a beautiful wedding for a homeless couple who lived together for 24 years

Richard Straz, the owner of a small hairdresser, located near the area where the family lives, said that he had long noted this pair.

The most important thing that he always paid attention to is kindness, love and warmth with which Rosalin and Rommel treat each other and their children.

Richard found out that officially the couple was not married. But Rosalin once in childhood dreamed of a beautiful wedding.

Kind people arranged a beautiful wedding for a homeless couple who lived together for 24 years

It is clear that even the most modest celebration is not affordable for them. Richard was touched by their story and contacted friends who also have a small business, and offered them the idea of holding a small charitable wedding.

Everyone was delighted. Upon learning of the surprise, Rosalin and Rommel could not hold back their tears.

Kind people arranged a beautiful wedding for a homeless couple who lived together for 24 years

For lovers, outfits were chosen, Rosalin made beautiful styling and makeup, for the whole family they prepared treats.

The photographer photographed a couple at their house and walked a little with them in the environs. After the documents of Rosalin and Rommel are restored, Richard and his friends will pay the ceremony in the temple.

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