This is incredible: the girl who was teased for being overweight now looks like a supermodel

Tilly Nieman admits that she has always been a “big girl”.

A student from the English city of Leeds, Yorkshire, told how she managed to lose 32 kilograms.

The girl who used to be teased for being overweight now looks like a supermodel

Tilly Nieman admits that she has always been a “big girl”.

However, in high school, her weight increased to 89 kilograms. At school, the girl behind her back was called “Hippo”.

The girl who used to be teased for being overweight now looks like a supermodel

She put on a lot of makeup because she was embarrassed about her appearance. And the turning point was trying on clothes in the store, when even the largest sizes did not fit her.

At the age of 16, the woman decided to lose weight.

If earlier for breakfast she ate a bagel and hot chocolate, now she prefers fruits and coffee.

For lunch, Nieman opts for tuna salad or pizza on toast instead of tuna panini and pasta. For dinner, the girl eats pasta with low-fat sauce, salmon with rice and vegetables, or beans and cheese, while before she ate pizza and pasta with mayonnaise-based sauces.

The girl who used to be teased for being overweight now looks like a supermodel

In eight months, she managed to lose 16 kilograms. This inspired Nieman so much that she continued to lose weight and slowly began to play sports.

Now the woman weighs 57 kilograms and feels like a “completely different person”.

The girl who used to be teased for being overweight now looks like a supermodel

She learned to admire her reflection in the mirror, whereas before she was afraid to look at herself. The girl is very happy that now she can wear any clothes and feel comfortable and sexy in it.

For anyone who wants to lose weight, Nieman advises to remember that losing weight is a long-distance run, not a sprint. “You have to understand that it will take time and you will have to change your lifestyle. The main thing is that the whole process should be enjoyable. Thanks to this secret, I managed to lose weight”, said the girl.

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