This is interesting: a kind woman gave food to a homeless man and then it turned out that it was Richard Gere

The woman immediately bought pizza and handed over the package to the man.

A resident of France Karin Gombo went to New York and went for a walk along the streets of the city.

In one of the lanes, she noticed a homeless person who walked next to the trash and, as the woman counted, was clearly about to look for food in them.

Woman shared food with a homeless man on the street, and the next day she found out it was Richard Gere

Without thinking twice, Karin went into the nearest eatery, bought pizza and handed over the package to the man.

Just opening the newspaper the next day, she found out that she had met Richard Gira, whom she took for a beggar.

According to Karin, she immediately noticed the number of homeless people in the city compared to Europe. And the man in the lane touched her more than others, so she sincerely decided to help him.

Woman shared food with a homeless man on the street, and the next day she found out it was Richard Gere

The woman did not know English very well, so she did not understand anything from the explanation of the man. The Frenchwoman simply handed him a bag, wished him a good day and continued a walk around the city.

However, when the actors work on the streets of the city, the paparazzi constantly monitor them. They took a series of photographs that the next day fell into newspapers.

As Karin found out of the newspapers, the Hollywood star was just shooting that day, and the weight did not want to change clothes and leave the image during a lunch break.

Woman shared food with a homeless man on the street, and the next day she found out it was Richard Gere

The fact that the woman did not recognize the celebrity says only that makeup artists and stylists have worked very well and carefully about the image of Gira.

Karina and his family fell into this part of the city by chance, they did not know that they were making a film nearby.

The story turned out to be funny, and Gir himself later admitted to reporters that the kindness of a woman seriously influenced him.

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