This is what happened: this homeless found a wallet and returned it to the owner, who was a millionaire

The owner of the wallet was a millionaire, who quickly decided to thank the man.

The 44-year-old Thai named Waralop knew the best days in the past.

For several years he lived under the platform at the station, earned as random earnings.

Homeless man found a wallet and returned it to the owner who turned out to be a millionaire: see what happened next

But when once he saw a wallet on the platform, he decided not to experience karma, leaving everything for himself, but found the owner and returned the find.

To the surprise of Waralop, the owner of the wallet was a millionaire, who very quickly decided to thank the man for honesty.

The wallet, who, apparently, dropped a man hurrying to the train, even looked clearly expensive. The amount inside, by the standards of the homeless, also had to be impressive. The wallet was very weighty.

But despite the fact that Waralop himself had only 9 baht (25 cents) in his pocket, he decided without a shadow of doubt to take the find to the local police station without even opening it.

Homeless man found a wallet and returned it to the owner who turned out to be a millionaire: see what happened next

The police were very surprised at the return of the wallet. Because a man could easily pick up a wallet for himself, and no one ever found him.

But they accepted the find from Waralop and conducted an inventory: in the Hermes wallet they counted 20,000 baht ($ 520) and many bank cards.

It was not difficult for them to find the owner. He turned out to be a successful young businessman who own several metal structures.

He was very surprised that the wallet was not only returned to him, but also that Waralop, who found him, took nothing.

NIITI Pongkriangyos found Waralop and offered him 2000 baht per find. But the homeless politely refused, saying that he had not earned.

Then the entrepreneur decided to approach the award differently.

The new offer of NIITI was working at his factory, as well as a working hostel, giving a roof over his homeless head.

Homeless man found a wallet and returned it to the owner who turned out to be a millionaire: see what happened next

Waralop accepted this offer and got a job with a salary of 11,000 baht per month. He was honest here, not hacking and tried very hard at the factory.

So six months later, Niity decided to even give him a promotion.

History very quickly fell into local publications, and the former homeless became the national hero of Thailand.

Today he works in a factory and glad that one simple act has completely changed his life.

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