This policeman is assisting a cow in giving birth by drawing on his farm skills

A policeman is assisting a cow in giving birth

As we have repeatedly seen, our brave police officers swore an oath to protect and assist anybody in need, including all living things.

This Omaha police officer is using farm experience to help cow give birth

Therefore, when a lovely and affectionate female cow needed help giving birth and no one was available, the Omaha police stepped in and saved the day!

A semi driver had such an adventure when one of the cows he was hauling ended up in the hospital during the journey.

When he ran out of things to say, this man dialled the government to file a report about this animal. See what transpired.

This Omaha police officer is using farm experience to help cow give birth

After being called to the scene, Omaha Law Enforcement Detective Jackie Sheets gratefully helped the cow mother deliver her calves.

Even though helping animals give birth isn’t something officers typically do, policeman Sheets did a great job, and the calf is now healthy and thriving as a result.

This Omaha police officer is using farm experience to help cow give birth

However, she was able to accomplish the work beautifully and totally because the policeman grew up on a small farm.

The Omaha Sheriff’s Department announced Detective Sheets’ peculiar goal on social media, including Facebook and Twitter! That was stunning.

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