Weeping women in poignant sculptures embrace life’s ultimate regeneration and loss

Weeping women: Wonderful sculpture

Surreal Sculptures by Miles Johnston and Stephanie Kilgast

Together, illustrator Miles Johnston and artist Stephanie Kilgast developed a special edition line of surrealistic statues that highlight the tragic elegance of decay. The 12-piece project demonstrates dejected ladies holding a rotting person in their hands. The kneeling women are dressed in white and melded with the dripping creatures, who have fungus-like growths on their bodies and were made using casts by MoonCrane Press.

The concept for the series—specifically, the image of a lady sobbing over a corpse—came from Johnston. Since life always continues, according to Kilgast, “I added life with my mushrooms. Even though it only affects microorganisms, Kilgast presents a different perspective of the works, despite the fact that the original theme was melancholy over a person fading away. Another interpretation of this statue is that the woman is weeping over the 6th mass species extinction that is now taking place, rather than over a human person.

No matter how you decide to watch the series, the idea of loss is clear. Nevertheless, there is some optimism in Kilgast’s analysis—that we have the power to alter our own behavior and lessen the disastrous effects we are having on the environment.

A strange statue collection created by artists Stephanie Kilgast and Miles Johnston features grieving ladies clutching a decomposing person in their hands.

Surrealistic SculpturesSurrealistic SculpturesSurrealistic SculpturesSurrealistic SculpturesSurrealistic SculpturesSurreal Sculptures by Miles Johnston and Stephanie KilgastSurrealistic SculpturesSurreal Sculptures by Miles Johnston and Stephanie KilgastSurreal Sculptures by Miles Johnston and Stephanie KilgastSurreal Sculptures by Miles Johnston and Stephanie Kilgast

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