What a good deed: this dentist travels the world to treat the poor for free, restoring faith in good

The man founded Por1sorriso to help the poor around the world.

Felipe Rossi, a dentist, travels the world and offers free dental care to those who do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor.

Dentist travels the world and treats the poor for free, restoring their smiles and faith in good

The man founded Por1sorriso to help the poor around the world.

A visit to the dentist is not cheap. Especially for those who, for various reasons, did not monitor the condition of their teeth.

Dentist travels the world and treats the poor for free, restoring their smiles and faith in good

Some of Rossi’s patients have to completely change all their teeth: they simply cannot be restored. In particularly difficult cases, the work is stretched for several months.

“Our project is fundamentally different from those that only provide free distribution of toothbrushes and toothpaste”, says Felipe.

Rossi’s team works in countries dominated by the poor, such as Brazil, Kenya and Mozambique.

Dentist travels the world and treats the poor for free, restoring their smiles and faith in good

There are over 4,000 volunteers in the Por1sorriso database. But not everyone gives real support: some leave almost immediately, Rossi admits.

And help is always needed. Just think: when the project participants go on their next trip, they take with them more than two tons of equipment.

The results of Rossi’s work are amazing: instead of rotten teeth and inflamed gums, his patients become owners of truly Hollywood smiles.

Dentist travels the world and treats the poor for free, restoring their smiles and faith in good

“I used to try not to smile under any circumstances. And I also refused to eat some food. But after the treatment, my life changed dramatically. When I first saw myself in the mirror with new teeth, I laughed with happiness non-stop”, says Terry Rimmer, a patient of Felipe Rossi.

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