What an interesting story: twin sisters got pregnant at the same time and their daughters are also twins

Here is an amazing life story of two kids, very similar to each other.

It has long been believed that twins are connected by an invisible thread. Probably, everyone in childhood wanted to have a sister or twin brother.

An amazing life story of two kids, very similar to each other.

Twin sisters became mothers at the same time: their daughters are like two peas in a pod

Their mothers are sure that the children will become best friends.

Rayat Ray and Indy May were born on the same day, since the birth of the girl they have always been together. Even the photographer mistook the babies for twins, as they are strikingly similar to each other.

Twin sisters became mothers at the same time: their daughters are like two peas in a pod

It turns out that the girls’ mothers, Cory and Kathy, are twin sisters themselves!

The story began when women once found out they were pregnant. For them, it was a real shock and a coincidence.

The sisters got even closer. Throughout the pregnancy, they spent time together, shared their joys, came up with names for future babies.

Twin sisters became mothers at the same time: their daughters are like two peas in a pod

Then they decided that the birth would take place in the same hospital.

The rooms of the pregnant sisters were nearby, they were observed by one doctor.

Corey and Katie promised that they would film each other’s births on cameras. However, their plans were not destined to come true, as Corey was taken to the operating room after Katie.

Believe it or not, their glorious daughters were born 20 minutes apart. Just a miracle! Real twins!

After the birth of the babies, the sisters began to help each other even more. For example, Katie fed Ray because Corey didn’t have milk.

Twin sisters became mothers at the same time: their daughters are like two peas in a pod

Women are sure that their girls will become the closest people for each other. They feel that the babies are connected by a magic thread.

Relatives and friends adore the girls. Everyone is used to calling babies cousins.

The grandmother of the girls is happy that her granddaughters are so friendly, and most importantly, the happiest.

How will the fate of the cutest girls in the world turn out in the future? Only time will tell.

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