What nature does: this most hairy man was called King Kong at school, he finally found love

The hairiest man was born in 1979 in China.

Chinese Yu Zhenhan was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the hairiest person on Earth.

The hairiest man on the planet, who was called King Kong at school, finally found his love

The hairiest man was born in 1979 in the Chinese city of Anshan. When the boy was 2 years old, the hair covered almost all of his body. By the age of three, his body was overgrown with hair by 96%.

The boy, like all his peers, went to school, where he had many friends. For his unusual appearance, he received the nickname King Kong, but did not take offense at all.

The hairiest man on the planet, who was called King Kong at school, finally found his love

Yu assured that he was called that only because he had a huge heart and very thick hair.

The man repeatedly tried to get rid of the hated hairline, did numerous laser hair removal.

But the effect was temporary, and the hair grew back. Then Yu decided not to waste any more time on this and take up his personal life.

The hairiest man on the planet, who was called King Kong at school, finally found his love

He registered on a dating site in the hope of meeting his soul mate. But after several unsuccessful attempts to build a serious relationship, Yu deleted his profile from the site.

The man decided to devote himself to music and achieved considerable success. Yu began to be invited to various Chinese TV shows, he quickly gained popularity in his country.

Well, Yu still arranged his personal life. He married a girl he was friends with at school and met her at a mutual friend’s birthday party.

The hairiest man on the planet, who was called King Kong at school, finally found his love

As it turned out, his happiness was there for a long time.

Yu has his own social media page with over 600,000 followers, and Yu is warmly referred to as the Hairy Chinese Kid by his fellow citizens.

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