While fleeing from the fire, the woman was unable to bring her dog with her: He waited a month for her close remains

The woman was unable to bring her dog with her

For many Americans, the California fires have turned into a terrible tragedy. A dog named Madison’s owners were compelled to flee their burning home and the town of Paradise. Due to the nature of the emergency, people were not permitted to bring their puppies with them.

Madison demonstrated his true Hachiko qualities. While waiting for his family, he watched after his house. There is no need to cry, though. The wait was worthwhile.

Madison patiently awaited his owners’ arrival at their California home for a full month.

When her house caught fire, Andrea Gaylord, the owners of the puppies (Miguel and Madison), had to flee the city immediately. She was unable to bring any dogs with her. She was searching for information about them because she couldn’t remember where she was and she hoped they were still alive. Andrea was given the all-ahead to go back and took the chance of finding the dog close to the burned-out house.

Madison was able to survive thanks to Shayla Sullivan.

Madison was the only one who received meals from her because Miguel refused to move in with her and was instead keeping watch over the house where he had previously lived with his family.

This video features Madison.

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