Within resin and wood, shimmering “Dragon Eggs” reveal distant landscapes

Wonderful “Dragon Eggs”

Dragon Eggs by Bensworx

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover has been sending images, movies, and noises back to Earth ever since it successfully arrived on the Red Planet. The incredible expedition not only provides us with a glimpse of the alien world, but also inspires us to imagine what other planets’ sceneries might be like both within and beyond of our planetary system. You might be inspired by these dragon eggs created by Australian artist Ben of Ben’s Worx. The handcrafted plastic and wooden statues appear to contain vivid nebulae and alien high mountains.

Ben begins with dried burl wooden planks that serve as the foundation for the eggs. The surfaces of the lumber, which already have rocky-looking natural features, are given color by layers of metallic ink and glitter. The wooden components are then placed in plastic containers by Ben and covered with clear resin. He removes the plastic once it has dried and been formed before using a lathe to mould it into the ideal egg shape.

Every handcrafted dragon egg artwork resembles a prop from a science fiction movie when it is finished. In other works, the plastic even contains small trees, plants, and other features, giving the impression that the artwork is its own miniature environment. The sparkling landscape makes it simple to picture tiny extraterrestrial life existing there.

View some of Ben’s dragon eggs below and purchase one for yourself on Etsy.

Ben’s Worx makes dragon eggs out of hardwood and plastic that appear to contain vivid cosmos and extraterrestrial landscapes.

Dragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by Bensworx

In some works, little trees, blossoms, and other components give the impression that they are part of a miniature environment.

Dragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by Bensworx

Every amazing statue resembles a prop from a dream movie.

Dragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by BensworxDragon Eggs by Bensworx

See Ben at work in the following video:

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