Young fat girl weighing 300 kg: this is how she looks now after an incredible transformation

The 300kg fat girl in this story lives in Texas.

Being overweight affects many people. It brings a lot of problems, even sometimes it is difficult for obese people to move around and live a full life.

The girl we want to tell you about lives in Texas. Her name is Nancy Ference, she is only 35 years old. But she’s almost 300 kg, 276 to be exact.

The young girl weighed 300 kg: see how she looks now after a wonderful transformation

Nancy says that even as a child she loved to eat well. She was in love with food and willingly agreed to a second helping. And when she had difficulties at school, she seized the stress of sweets and donuts.

“Since I was a child, I have loved food. In the evening, I went to bed faster because I wanted the morning to come faster. Then my mother laid a large table, and we all sat down to eat together. I love to eat pancakes for breakfast. One serving was never enough for me, and I was never full. So I immediately took the second portion. Then I went to school and bought a couple more chocolate bars from the cafeteria. I loved to eat because then I felt happy and not alone”, says Nancy.

The young girl weighed 300 kg: see how she looks now after a wonderful transformation

When the girl got on the scales, she realized that she needed to change something in her life. Because it couldn’t go on like this.

She was cast on the show “I want to lose weight”. And they advised that they would help to get rid of excess weight and it was necessary to do an operation on the stomach.

When Nancy walked away from the operation, she completely changed her diet and began to eat right. She joined the gym and swimming pool, which she attended regularly and consulted a doctor from time to time.

The young girl weighed 300 kg: see how she looks now after a wonderful transformation

“I could not even imagine that eating right is not so boring at all, and playing sports is also fun. I am also now visiting a psychologist so as not to return to the old habit and start overeating”, says the girl.

A year later, the scales began to show 183 kg. Nancy had never been so proud of herself. She even started her own blog to motivate other people and share experiences.

At the moment, the girl weighs 91 kg. I did not abandon sports and proper nutrition.

The young girl weighed 300 kg: see how she looks now after a wonderful transformation

She assures that if you really want and make an effort, you can achieve a lot.

Recently, Nancy found a loving boyfriend and soon got married. Her husband’s name is Jerry and they are incredibly happy.

Now the couple wants to have a baby and is thinking about buying a house. All Nancy’s followers keep their fingers crossed for her!

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