Gigantic Indian Malabar squirrel A Malabar hefty one was once discovered by John Koprowski, a professor who specialises in intelligent squirrels. When he saw what he was witnessing,
The most lovely bird in the world The male is a stunning display of iridescence, with a black pair of underpants sitting on top of a green capped
A well trained police dog Dogs are constantly present in our lives. Those lovely creatures seemed to have been made just to make our days happier. But when
The kitty is overjoyed There is no doubt that animals, like people, have feelings. Particularly in regards to people who care for them or, more crucially, those who
Kittens get good food and a comfortable place to stay Early in April, Nadija, a foster volunteer with Cat Lover Rescue (in Florida), received word that a pair
A cat and her sole kitten A tabby cat and her sole kitten have been best friends ever since they were born. They are ecstatic that their shared
Despite her age, the Italian star made people admire her beauty. Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how our favorite Italian actress and model manages
People compare the appearance of Penelope and Salma in swimsuits. The Spanish beauty P. Cruz is already 47 years old, which is actually very hard to believe, because
This is what the family of French actor Pierre Richard looks like now. Probably everyone is familiar with the cult French actor P. Richard, who was considered one
This is why Diaz is ending his career and will no longer appear on our screens. Not so long ago, actress Si Diaz was visiting popular YouTube artist